Language First

Ten years ago, many companies were concerned with a concept called "Mobile First," which prioritized developing software that worked well on a new interface gaining massive user adoption: the smartphone.

Within the near future, many companies will be concerned with a concept known as "Language First." This approach involves developing software that works well with an emerging interface gaining widespread use: Large Language Models (LLMs).

The chatbot interface has made LLMs famous. However, many things are pointing towards LLMs being not only great for chat but also for interacting with software systems through language. Because of the LLMs' reasoning capabilities and their ability to use tools, this new interface can help humans handle much of the cognitive load involved in learning and using complex systems.

In the near future, we as humans will be able to interact with much more complex software systems without being experts. Imagine if everyone could handle the most complex systems relevant in their daily lives as an expert would.

So, how are we as software developers going to design software for this future where "Language First" principles are going to dominate?

As the "Mobile First" paradigm was obsessed with graphical user interfaces and user experiences, the "Language First" paradigm will be obsessed with user intent. 

What problems does the user have that they can express in plain, non-expert layman language, and how can we use AI to understand it and orchestrate functionality to help the user achieve their goal?

This will involve organizing systems of prompts to build the reasoning framework for orchestrating functionality. Also it will involve indexing and organizing functionality (basically endpoints) and processes to give the LLMs the best possible conditions to do a good job.

Much like search intent which is a big thing in natural language information search, user intent will be the main focus in functionality search and execution.

To be continued... (I'm not done writing yet 😅)